Monday, 30 March 2015


I've been thinking for a while that it's time to slow my life right down and take a few steps back. Make a better balance between life and work.

I've decided to disable my blog, and my twitter account, I'm not saying I'll never be back, but I think it's quite unlikely. At least for the foreseeable future. And before anyone thinks I'm having a breakdown (MUM????) I'm not, I just want my life back and it's probably a perfect time, with the shift in my personal life and the new house and everything else. I don't have the time to sew so much any more, and that's a real shame, so I want to do more of that, and less of the social media stuff.

So, thank you for being there and reading my blog and following me and taking the time to comment. I appreciate it more than you could ever know. For now I'll still be on instagram, @imagingermonkey, so follow along if you would like and if you see me in the street, say hi!


  1. Good luck with all the changes. Take care x

  2. Hope to see you soon Katy. Come sew with us xxxx

  3. A shame, but I so get this. Alllllllll those social media take up so much precious time. Will miss your blog. All the best!

  4. We'll have so much to catch up on at glampstitchalot. Good luck to you.

  5. wishing you very best x

  6. I'll miss your energy and creativity. All the best to one of the shining stars.

  7. Good luck with the new stage of your life. I'll miss your blog.

  8. I will be missing you! Thank you so much for the ride! You are amazing and deserve the very best.

  9. I'll miss your blog but will see you on IG. We can't all do everything all the time. My most liberating day was when I admitted to myself that I am not a car driver.

  10. Though I will miss your blog, I completely understand. Life is more important. Good luck with the move! Sending you happy thoughts and love. Hope to see your lovely sewing on IG soon.

  11. See you on Ig then...wishing you whatever is good for you...

  12. Wishing you all the best and I can see where a blog could gobble up all your creative time... but I will be looking for you in IG!!

  13. Wishing you all the best and I can see where a blog could gobble up all your creative time... but I will be looking for you in IG!!

  14. I liked reading your blog. Hope you get more time to sew. Good luck for the future.

  15. I hope you have so many days of joy in the days and weeks to follow. I just bought a bright red journal whose bold cover proclaims, "It's going to be OK!" I keep looking at that cover because our lives have been exploding a bit the last few months. I'm so grateful to be able to sew, knit and play the piano for my therapy! Sew on, Ginger Monkey!! You are greatly loved and admired.

  16. Respect! Take back YOUR life! Relax and have fun! Hope to see you in awhile!!!

  17. We'll miss you on here, but it's a good decision. Sometimes you have to trim things down to get the fun back in life. Good luck!

  18. Take care :-)
    I think Instagram is a private Account?
    Best regards,

  19. thank goodness for instagram, so much quicker than blogging !!!! I'll miss your blog but yay for more sewing time - enjoy !!

  20. I wish you the best. New beginnings can sometimes be a blessing. I will keep you in my feed in case you want to come back here, but I wlos enjoy your Instagram accounts too! So much fun over there! Hugs and blessing to you and yours. Take care. See ya on Insty!

  21. I hope you find balance and time for sewing in your new home. I will still be following along on IG for now (and being fan girlish!) xxxxx

  22. We will miss you for sure but i completely understand your need to take the time for yourself. Good luck and best wishes for this new phase of your life.

  23. Hi there Katy,
    I can't say I'm surprised as you have been so busy the past year…but I will miss your musings!
    I just tried to find a tutorial of yours that I wanted…but there are no tutorials on your blog anymore. Where can I find them?
    Thanks for all the fun!
    Quilty Huggs,

  24. You have to do what you have to do. Look after yourself xxx

  25. Sorry to hear we won't be reading any more of your entertaining blog posts but quite understand your reasons for pulling back on social media sites. It is time consuming and you need to be able to make the most of any spare time you have. Good luck, hope to bump into you at a Quilt Show one of these days.

  26. You do you, lady, and may I wish you all the very, very best of luck for all the changes you're in the midst of. Get sewing!! :D

  27. Personally, I can totally understand. Blogging can be a fulltime job if you let it be. Thanks so much for the inspiration you've provided in the past and I'll definitely continue to watch on Instagram for the fun things you are creating. Enjoy life and be well. I'm really looking forward to meeting you at Glamp Stitchalot in November!

  28. Best of luck in your new endeavors. Thank you for all the inspiration.

  29. Totally understandable ~ wishing you the best in whatever it is you'll be doing! I've really enjoyed your blog and I do follow you on Instagram!

  30. Take care of yourself. I just used one of your fabrics as a binding and was reflecting how talented you are. I hope you find time for the sewing.

  31. All the best kiddo...think of it as a new adventure!!:)

  32. I hope you keep your blog up, such a great resource. Even if you never post again. Best wishes, Katy!

  33. Best wishes to you in the new direction your life is going - I'll try to find you on Instagram :)

  34. Best wishes in your future endeavors! Your bloggy voice will be missed :)

  35. I had to do the same thing last year so I totally get it. Good luck monkey.. I will miss your blog so much though. Sob💙💙💙

  36. I will see you on IG and hope all of your changes bring you to a better-feeling place. You are a magnificently talented person and I wish you the best!

  37. I am sure hoping that you will be happy and comfortable, however you organize your social media connections. I will check you out on instagram, it is harder because you are so many time zones away.

  38. Completely understand! Wishing you all the best!

  39. I shall miss your blog. But good luck with getting the balance back! It's so important xoxo

  40. I hope you aren't going to make it vanish, cause I'm always referring to your tutorials!! Best of luck though for the future, I'm doing exactly the same thing as you right now (except after 22 years) and I wish you all the very bestest. Lots of love and hugs xoxoxoxox

  41. The right decision for you, time to re-group. I will miss you natch, but these things happen. Continue to be fabulous lots of love xxxx

  42. Good for you, you will be missed, but I just joined IG so will see you there.

  43. Thanks for all the good moments. I'll follow you on ig. Good luck and best wishes!

  44. Good luck with everything Katy xxx

  45. So glad you are taking time for yourself. Wishing you all the best!! XX!

  46. Wishing you happiness and lots of lovely fabric. x

  47. good luck. i'll miss reading your blog

  48. Lots of hugs. Good on you.

  49. Wishing you the best. Hope to see you in Pasadena next year.

  50. You will be greatly missed!! Thanks for being a little different and showing peeps that you don't have to fit into the norm to be in this business! From one crazy tattooed quilter to another!!! (However in my Midwest part of the States my peeps still look a little sideways a me!!)

  51. Take care...does that mean Instagram too :)

  52. Try to enjoy your next phase in life. I will miss you here, but fully understand. We could all take a lesson in this. All of life's blessings to you and your's.

  53. We will miss your presence terribly, but completely understand the life's balance issue!! Your blog is what rekindled my interest in quilting and I will be forever grateful to you for that. You deserve nothing but the best and much happiness too!

  54. Wishing you all the best, Katy! I have so enjoyed seeing all the fabulous things you have made over the years. And I hope that sewing finds it's way back into the new rhythm of your life. Hugs!

  55. Oh I hope you find time to sew along with the changes you and your family are going through! I will see you on IG

  56. All the best for you and thank you for all the inspiration over the years! And I hope you'll soon find more time for sewing!

  57. First I would like to say all the best to you and I do hope you find more time to sew. I came across your blog from a tutorial on another website. Are all tutorials also disappearing as well?

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  66. Best wishes to you in the new direction for your new life is going - I'll try to find you on Instagram and twitter :)

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